New iPhone App Secretly Brings Eavesdroppers with you On Date

Ok, so you aren’t really good with the dating game. Well there’s some good news, because you no longer have to do it alone! Crowdpilot is a new app that allows you to stream your date to friends and strangers and ask them for advice in real time. From the site: “Whenever you need help, turn on Crowdpilot to stream your conversation to the web where the anonymous crowd – optionally supported by a team of your Facebook friends – will tune in, follow along and assist you. Or become a crowdpilot yourself, and watch and direct others!”

Soon enough there will be an app that asks people to write a script for us, that we can use throughout our day; in which case we will never have to form an original fucking thought again!  But really, if you think about it (careful you might hurt yourself) how embarrassing is this app? As if our society wasn’t already forming into a bunch of mindless, anti-social, lazy, introverts, why not take away another intrinsically fundamental aspect of  being human; forming a legitimate relationship with another person.

Why are we afraid of sharing our own opinions, and ideas, and  feelings with other people anyway? It seems like, unless we have a device in our hands, we feel naked, and unable to communicate with the people around us.

How is this app going to work anyway? I can just imagine the scenerio. “Hold on, I’m not sure how to respond to your question, let me just check with my Crowdpilot”. Good luck with that…

crowdpilot from Lauren McCarthy on Vimeo.