Corruption: Kids for Cash

Ciavarella is a horrible person and it’s good to see that he’s the one behind bars for a change. He was just sentenced to 30 years in prison. If you haven’t heard, Ciavarella is a judge that made a shit ton of money for prosecuting children. Hence the infamous term “Kids for Cash”. His buddies Robert Powell and Robert Mercile, co-owners and builders of two private, FOR-PROFIT juvenile prisons paid Ciavarvella $2.6 million in kickbacks for incarcerating children. When you think of for-profit prisons, it’s almost immediately met with redflags, and I find myself questioning how could you possibly control the corruption that would surely follow. When there is money to be made by putting people in jail, how could you possibly avoid the human greed and wrongdoing that comes along with it.

This is what Ciavarella said in a statement

“To all the juveniles who appeared before me, I would like to apologize for being a hypocrite and not practicing what I preached”

Really? He’d like to apologize?  After he got caught he grew a conscious? Fuck him… I hope he rots. Watch the video below.