What does Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, and Pandora have in common?

Streaming online movies and music has revolutionized the way we consume our entertainment.  However, often content is restricted based on the country you live in. For instance Netflix Canada has an estimated 3600 titles where as American Netflix has nearly 10000! A big difference and yet you’re paying the same subscription fee. Even Youtube is susceptible to lockouts.

Lately, I’m seeing a lot of people paying for VPN proxy servers that change your IP address so that you appear to be living in different countries and then can access a site’s content without restriction.

Well I’m tried of seeing people make a buck on you guys so here is a hidden gem that I’ve been using for almost a year now. Its called


and its absolutely FREE!

hola_clean www.hola.org

I’m not even joking, its safe and super easy to use, and you don’t need an account. Its just a plugin that you add to your browser! Then you can access Netflix, Spotify, Hulu, Pandora, what ever you’ve been restricted from you can now access it. SO SICK!

Well that’s it. Hope this has helped liberate your internet experience. I apologize to those that are paying a monthly fee for a VPN proxy service. I got taken for a sucker too before I found Hola. I should probably mention I’m not getting paid from Hola for saying any of this, trust me. I just think the internet shouldn’t have restrictions based on what country you live in.