What’s Going on In Venezuela?

If you’re wondering what’s happening on in Venezuela and why people are protesting here is a video that will fill you in on the country’s current political situation. To sum it up, there are student demonstration groups protesting against record shortages and the world’s fastest inflation. In response the government has issued the military to…

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Ellen Page Comes out of the Closet

I like to say its unfortunate that there are closets where people need to keep their sexuality hidden. Constantly having to hide your sexual orientation would be awful, coming from someone who is straight, I can’t imagine not being open about it. It’s great to hear that Ellen Page has gone public with being a…

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Hilarious News Anchor Fail

With love in the air, news anchor Leon Bibb, has only one thing on his mind. Titties! Watch this hilarious slip of the tongue as Bibb tries to discuss Valentine’s Day. He is right on one thing, if you’re running last minute plans, you are going to have a difficult time getting in the titties.

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