Norway Shows How To Take Care of Their Own
I’ve seen countless videos where people wouldn’t give someone the time of day, let alone the clothes off their back. Now even though I am unsure of what they are saying, there is no denying what I am seeing. When fellow Norwegians see this boy sitting at a bus stop with no coat, they know…
Kiev, Ukraine: City on Fire
We are all familiar with what is going on in Kiev, Ukraine. After President Viktor Yanukovych pulled out of a treaty with EU, protesters took to the streets as they felt this was an agreement that could have lead to Ukraine finally joining the Union. Yanukovych was said to do this in order to keep…
This Cute Dog Is Awful At Catch
At first I didn’t think this video would be any good. But once ‘Kiwi’, the dog in the video, lets out her terrifying roar, I knew I was in for a treat.
Racist Thugs Attack Busker In Scotland
This is a really powerful video of a busker name Melo defending himself against two drunkards in Glasgow, Scotland. Melo was being interviewed for the BBC documentary The Street, when Francis Muir and an unknown assailant begin berating him for being black and in their country. It’s people like this that make me sick. A…